REPORT From Annual Assembly of the Association in Skopje
REPORT From Annual Assembly of the Association in Skopje in the period from 10 – 01/13/2013
1.The family medicine specialization and education countries members of the Association – Presidents of associations.
2. Information about the preparations for the Third Conference of the Association in Belgrade from 11 – 14.04.2013 Mr. D-r. Mirjana Mojkovikj.
3. Report on maintenance and preparation of the Third Congress of the Association in Sarajevo 2014 proposed topics for the same – D-r. Milan Miokovikj D-r. Azijada Beganlikj.
4. Delivered financial report of the Association for 2012 Mr.D-r. Ljubin Shukriev.
5. Working Association in 2012 year and activities in 2013 Started studying D-r. Ljubin Shukriev.
6. Activities 2013 Mr. associations-presidents of the associations.
7. Presentation for updating the web page of the Association- Darko Anicin.
8. Membership Association 2013 Mr. D-r. Ljubin Shukriev
9. Department activities of Family Medicine 2013 and plan coordination – D-r Biserka Bergman-Markovic.
10. Making of study “Violence against doctors by patients” and presentation of the same Congress in Sarajevo 2014- M-r. D-r. Ksenija Tushek Bulc
11. Opinions and suggestions for conducting projects level Association t. Southeast Europe-D-r Suzana Stankovic and D-r. Katharina Stavrikj.
12. Other.
T. representative guests began to arrive in Thursday. Arrived representatives of the Republika Srpska, FBiH, Slovenia, Romania, Turkey, Serbia and Croatia. Delegation of Bulgaria arrived on Friday evening due to work commitments that had on Friday. Representatives of Montenegro for sickness canceled the arriving and the representatives of Albania emerged that comes on Friday.
Upon arrival of representatives from all countries as well as the host country of Macedonia, except delegation from Bulgaria, the evening was made walk-in city center. It is spent delightfully shared moments, and the city was decorated for New Years and Christmas holidays, it was all shining through. The guests were thrilled with what they saw. The weather was cold, but we all like it and do not feel the cold. We were focused on our tours these days, our responsibilities, tasks, exchange of experiences and opinions and of course our friendship .. In those shared moments all of us felt great. We finished in the evening and went for dinner , where in a relaxed atmosphere we continued our conversation.
T.. – 1 The next day, Friday, 11.01.2013 was scheduled : Round Table in the auspices of the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine.
Topic: “specialization in family medicine and education”
The Roundtable was attended by representatives from the Dean’s Office M.F.Skopje MH.HIF, LK, MMA, WHO Office in Skopje, the heads of individual departments M.F.Skopje representatives from the Department of Family Medicine M.F.Skopje representatives from ZLOM-SM and students of the Medical Faculty- sixth year .
Attendees ,welcomed the President of the Association of South East Europe Prim. D-r. Ljubin Shukriev who gived the word to Pro-Dean for International Cooperation M.F.Skopje, Prof. Daniela Miladinova. At the end attendants welcomed D-r. Katarina Stavrikj -Coordinator of the Department of Family Medicine Skopje. Also all the representatives from eight countries were presenting specialization in family medicine and education from their country. The first was
1. D-r. Azijada Beganlikj FBiH.
D-r. Azijada noted that among them specialization began in 1999. Were included educational centers in Sarajevo, Tuzla, Mostar-1998 and Zenica. There is also a conection between centers as well as on the Queen University in Canada.
The final exam takes 6 hours. The large education began in 2002 where 2105 people completed educaion . 661 of them were doctors and 1444 were nurses
2. D-r Carmen Busneag – Romania
Specialization in family medicine in Romania began in 1990 year. They have 11,400 physicians in family medicine. Romanian Association of Family Medicine is a member of the WONCA also.
3. D-r. Biserka Bergman-Markovic
Croatia has 4 Medical unevirsities in Zagreb,Osiek, Rieka and Split. The same program for specialization in FM had medical university ofZagreb and M.U. in Rieka. Croatia has 2557 doctors, and 42% of them are specialists in FM. About 92% of the population is insured and 8% are not. To one doctor comes 1700 patients. Total number of doctors 76.1% concessionaires and 23.9% work in Healthcare facilities .There is a bad connection between them. Consessionaires besides capitation payment , are also payed as well as they performed preventive serves.
Medical students have the 6 sun. Department of FM.
Specialization in SM started 1961 year but twelve years were without specialization in FM- political reasons. The specialization is divided: 4m. aftergraduated work – 18 m. medical work – 22 m. work chief mentor and mentor – comentor in appointed health center.
(Portfolio test, OSCE, plowed egzam.)
Can not go to the exam if there is no portfolio.
What is most important is to have a good network mentors. Half time working with mentor and half time with comentor. To become a Mentor you must have more than 5 years of practice in family medicine.
4. D-r. Ruzica Nikikj – Republika Srpska.
Association of Family doctors was established in 1990 y.-says D-r. Ruzhica. It count 650 members and has 500 specialists in FM. Educational team consists one doctor and two medical sisters. It has two departments of FM: Banja Luka and Foca CES Saraevo. The final exam has taken before a three-member committee appointed by the Ministry of Health.
5. D-r Snezana Jankovic – Serbia
In Serbia there are 4 Medical Faculties in Belgrade, Kragujevac, Nis and Novi Sad -said D-r. Snezhana. The Specialization of FM was introduced in 1963 y. and hadn’t have ours teaching persons.The Kathedra was established in 1979 y. From 2012 y. there is a new program for specialization in FM and it lasted 4 y. Practical part is not implemented. UC always work with the mentor. We have problem with HIF and MOH to implement specialization in FM as should .. But we have a well developed network mentors. We don’t have Department of undergraduate teaching.
We expect to announce a contest that can compete teachers faculty. The final examination is taken before a committee of 6 members sergion, gynecologist, internist, social medicine, prevention and general practitioner.
Serbia began the licensing process which raised the education process- noted D-r Snezana Jankovic.
6. D-r . Primoz Rus – Slovenia
Before 1999 y. the specialization in FM lasted 3 years , after that 4 y. pointed D-r. Primozh.We have three mentors: 1.major academic 2.mentor 3.comentor.
We want to build a partnership between the doctor and patient and vice averse.
We have difficulty with motivation of young doctors to specialize FM. The graduated doctor in Slovenia must be a member of Doctors chamber to be able to specialize and can independently work after finishing his specialization in FM.
Each candidate needs to make genogram for patient and to connect with other services ,social service. Meanwhile every resident needs to make a project.
New is that trainees and students permanently evaluate our curriculum, and students and trainees permanently evaluated by the mentor.
Where leads all that? The path it is:
1. to communicate with patient
2. to communicate softer itself
3. not to levied more than necessary
4. to find our place in the system of health insurance
7. D-r. Mumtaz Mazicioglu – Turkey
Tahud is established in1990, first center by FM open 1990 y.Education starts 2004 y.The first pilot center is from 1994 (Ankara, Bursa, Adana, Izmir). First National Congress 1993 y.The newspaper FM output in 1997 Days after FM medicine in Turkey since 2001 y. Vo 2009 y. In 35 cities-s06554 FM, January 2011 81 town with 20,220 FP 0.2023-1FP 2000 inhabitants, 46,600 FP.
8. D-r. Catharines Stavrikj – Macedonia
Specialization in general medicine in our country began in 1972 y. pointed D-r. Katarina. In 2004 y.e PHC introduced the specialization . At year 2010 specialization in FM -the projekt, funded by the World Bank began 1999g. We made two projects for CME specialization and after FM. In 2007 passed Health Strategy up to 2020 y. we have to create the profile of family doctor.
The specialization last for 3 y . ofcourse with an idea to grow for 4 y.
In 2012 we adopted new Rules for specialization. The same year in the month of November, the government adopted the initiative proposal Fund, to support the FM.
We have teachers in FM.Included doctors as educators since 2000.
Completed education after FM.
At the final exam ,member is one of the committee,Professor of Ljubljana, for evaluation.
After the Round chair is organized lunch the Dean MF Skopje Prof. Nikola Jankulovski and Pro-Dean for International Cooperation Prof. Daniela Miladinova .In a time of 2 hours socializing with All representatives of the Member States of the Association who exchanged experiences and opinions about their countries’ specialization in FM and interested in the process of education in their countries. After lunch, guests had a free afternoon and were able to manage their own review city and to make shopping as would he carried modest gifts from Skopje. In the evening ,around 20 pm. Came delegation from Bulgaria with the President of the Association D-r Lyubomir Kirov who is also vice president of the Association .. After we drinked coffee at the hotel, they were taken to dinner by the President of the association. They spent time in pleasant and cheerful mood.
12.01.2013 (Saturday) between 10.00 pm. started the day’s work and meeting for other agenda items.
Item 2 – Regarding the second item of the agenda -discussed D-r. Mirjana Mojkovikj, organizer of the Third Conference of the Association in Belgrad. She introduced the present members with current issues on the organization:
-Opening – 19 pm on 10.04.2013 (Thursday)
– Working days – Friday, Saturday and Sunday until 12 pm
– Closing – 13.04.2013, Sunday at 12 pm with draw conclusions
– Registration – 150 euro. It has comments amount cotisation. The organization noted that if you go below that entry fee will not be able to cover the costs related to the organization.
– Hotel “Metropol” – 55 euros double with breakfast and 100 euros – single room with breakfast .If hotel will fill the halls should be free. In contrary sagested conclusions of the conference to put Memorandum of Association and be sent to the institutions of HIF-MH, MF, LC, LD, departments after FM by each Member State of the Association.Until 15.02.2013 send the findings to the President of the Association from each country to be united and put the memorandum.
Dr. Suzana Stankovic – we need to offer a solution for the popularization of FM .Given instance the Czech Republic which shall popularize among its young doctors.
Dr. Hristo Dimitrov – EU works by stimulating young doctors to go and leave the country and stay to work just old doctors.
Dr. Biserka Bergman-Markovic – experience in Croatia last 3 years demonstrate that the students actively participate and when to increase the number of hours of work in practice, then the problems are smaller and less. In Slovenia do not have problem. It should actively employed the students. To give ourly curricula to start earlier, in the first years of studying and rise authority FM.
D-Dr. Ruzica Nikikj – is this well and good componied. No PHC reform is needed, a student sees all anomalies.
Dr. Mirjana Mojkovikj further noted that she had received a list of who will be President reviewer for manuscripts sent. The comission review:
Dr. Suzana Stankovic, Dr. Ljiljana Kochankova Dr. Ilhami Unluoglu Dr. Azijada Beganlikj Dr. Maya Rakich, Dr. Ksenija Tushek Bunc Dr. Biserka Bergman-Markovic, Dr. Ljubomir Kirov, Ph.D. Carmen Busneag.
The paper should be in English or Serbian language. Have chaked two recenzents independently of each other.
Deadline for submission 02/15/2013., 15.03.2013 reporting deadline for receipt of papers.
Noted to send abstract and ST those who have not posted for accreditation conferencion. It stressed that each country has 90 ministry of presentation . It caused controversy about the time for which it was thought that much.
Dr. Shukriev noted that addressed the Secretary of the European accreditation WONCA conferention. The answer is that accreditation is carried out in the country where the Event is held. Dr. Mumtaz Mazicioglu – I have a suggestion if you have the same themes from different countries, then that thread to be processed as a whole by all and then to discuss the same.
Also I have a proposal to declare the best oral and poster presentations and to allocate Awards for young doctors.
Dr. Ilhami Unluoglu – I have a few questions:
1. Cotization for young doctors will be the same prize?
2. The payment is on the first plays?
Dr. Suzana Stankovic –the cotization is determined and can not change. For the next event of the Association is to put conditions for the young doctors and students in relation to the registration fee.
Dr Primoz Rus – it is a good idea.
Dr. Biserka Bergman-Markovic – put the information and conditions on the website of the Association.
Dr. Ljubin Shukriev – These young doctors and students to go through national teams and departments in FM.
Dr. Azijada Beganlikj – put topics in block if are the same. From that divided into thematic sections: financing, organization, education and quality education. Each country to receive for 60 min after that to be discussed and for each thematic unit to reach a conclusion.
Dr. Lyubomir Kirov – I think the fee of 150 euros is a lot and I do not know how colleagues from Bulgaria could come. Themes are interesting for us ,but not for pharmaceutical houses. The system in Bulgaria does not work, colleagues do not write papers. They come to hear something interesting and whether pharmaceutical companies will participate or not in the Conference.
Dr Primoz Rus – I accept proposal 60 min. after each thematic unit to have a discussion.
Dr. Lyubomir Kirov – The presentation lasts 15 minutes.
Dr. Mirjana Mojkovikj – PPP it slides to be in English and speak the language of the country where presented. For Turkish can be in both English and Turkish and to be presented in English.
T.3 – President of the Association Dr Ljubin Shukriev informed the participants of the meeting about the talks we had with the President of the Association of Family Physicians FBiH Dr. Milan Miokovikj and board members association 20.12.2013 d. Saraevo. On that meeting were given four suggestions for hotels: h. Bosna h. Holidej Inn h. Bristol a h. Holivud had the largest capacity of 300 – 350 rooms and extension to June month another wing of 15 rooms remained agreement keeps Congress h. Holivud Ilidzha. The same has 15 conference rooms and two restorants. Go inspected the hotel and it meet the terms .At the conference in Belgrade , we have to determine term maintenance time fee, the themes and the Congress to make the first report. The moto will be: “who we are what we are and that is our future.”
Topics: 1. Slip disorders
2. Presentation of study “Violence against doctors by patients”.
3 Quality education and quality of provision of health services.
4. The quality of education and giving proper, quality service.
5. Free threads.
Proposal – to hold workshops during the Congress, to state that to determine their hours.
Dr. Suzana Stankovic – all countries that should quide the work study , must send the methodology to run a study for mobbing health. The disign study and questionnaire has Serbia.
Dr. Carmen Busneag – noted that Romania has a lot of bullying.
Dr. Ruzica Nikikj – asks whether doctors are awear for its health. The constatation was that they do not make concerne.
Dr Primoz Rus – In Bled- course ,this year will discuss exactly abou these topics.
D-r. KatarinaStavrikj – we need to do a questionnaire for chronic diseases .Doctors have to fill out anonymously and results will be presented to Congress in Sarajevo.
T.4 – Association Financial report 2012 y. was delivered by the President of the Association Prim. Dr. Ljubin Shukriev. Тhe assets of Association that were carried over from 2011 y. are 66,917 euros. With fundraising in 2012 (sponsorships, membership fees …) the amount of total assets amounted to 73,672 euros. Of it spent 6903 euros for rent, electricity, water, telephone, stationery and other expenses, services, materials and equipment, accounting and rest 66,769 euros . interest income received 60 euros and the total amount is 66,828 euros. Of that tax is paid 59 euros and the total amount remains the bill passed in 2013 y. is 66,769 euros. last year we have done with a positive balance.
After that , President put financial plan by election .The same was passed without a single vote against nor abstentions.
T.5 – President report on the activities of the Association for 2012.
– Visit in March, the Congress delegation from Macedonia in Zagreb with representatives from the Department of Family Medicine and ZLOM FM. Congress attended by Labour and representatives were active participants and circular membership. With established contacts and exchanged opinions .As a result of those contacts we had a visit from Prof. Mary Botica and Dr. Veins Cerovechki – join projects and studies.
– During the Third Congress ZLOM-FM Macedonia in Ohrid, 28.04.2012, Asociation had its Optional Assembly who were elected President – Prim.d Dr. Ljubin Shukriev, two vice-presidents – Prim.d Dr. Mirjana Mojkovikj , Dr. Lyubomir Kirov , Dr. Mumtaz Maziciogli and treasurer – Dr Darko Iliev. It have to emphasize that just that day he was born day Dr. Lyubomir Kirov, who was fitting with celebration with champagne and cake and convenient gift from the city of Ohrid.
– Under the auspices of ZLOM-FM held the Third Congress with international participation which were representatives from 11 member countries of the Association.
– It should not be forgotten, and the cooperation of the Association through associations in OM / SM departments of the Member States of the Association and the exchange of experiences and opinions in the field of CME and CPD.
– During the Congress of Vienna ,WONCA representatives associations after FM participated in the work of the Council WONCA, Europa and many of our representatives are involved and structures Вонка as: Eurakt Egprn eq. IP Europrev etc..
– As a result of the implementation of many of our members participated in the Bled course where then conveyed workshops among its counterparts its base.
– Then there was the Congress in Belgrade , at Sava Centre Association meeting 09/22/2012 y.that constatate Board Association, Scientific and Organizing Committee and Committee on cooperation between departments and it was selected as coordinator Dr. Markovic Biserka Bergman . At the same meeting Dr. Mira Mojkovikj made a plan for the organization of the Third Conference in Belgrade 2013 y. showing before short film about the beauties and sights of Belgrade.On this meeting was made the date for the annual meeting of the Association, in January 2013 in Skopje.
– On 02.10.2012 organized DNOOM id Dr. Biserka was organized and hanging out with the President of Croatia, Prof. Dr. Ivo Josipovikj. Members from 8 countries of South Europe discuss of the situation in their country and also the place between and the role of the FM. impressed knowing MMI President his interest in the same. They greeted with the promise that in soon we’ll meet together again.
– On 03/10/2012 had a meeting with the Associate Dean for International Cooperation MF Zagreb Prof. Dr. József the Prodekan. for international cooperation MF Skopje Prof. Daniela Miladinova and representatives of departments in SM from Zagreb and Skopje. As a result of that meeting signed a memorandum of cooperation between departments of Croatia and Skopje MF exchange students and trainees between the two faculties.
– On 02.11.2012 the presedent meet with President of the Association and members UO. while made numerous contacts with pharmaceutical representative who were informed of the Conference of the Association in Belgrade in April and they were sent a letter to participate in the same sponzorchip colleagues for mass participation in the same.
– On 16.11.2012 the president of the Association at the invitation of the President of the association general practical doctors Bulgaria Dr. Lyubomir Kirov was a guest of their national Conference Plovdiv. The conference was well organized with extensive scientific program. There was lecturers from Israel and Austria who presented themselves system and organization of FM in their own country.
– On 02.12.2012 in Belgrade had a meeting with Dr. Mirjana Mojkovikj, organizer of the Third Conference which was focused on the preparations and organization of the conference Belgrad. From that meeting minutes was made and it is placed on the website of the Association .
– On 20.12.2012 the President had a working meeting with the President of the association in Sarajevo Dr. Milan Miokovikj and members of the Board in connection with the holding of the Third Congress of the Association in Sarajevo 2014. At this meeting an official record placed on the website of the Association . At hotel Holivud Ilidzhaa ,other things needs to be specificied to the Conference in Belgrade where the Congress should be anaunced.
The tasks for Association in 2013 y. will be:
1. Conference h.Metropol 11 – 14.04.2013 d.- Belgrade.
2. The kongres in Sarajevo, 2014, h.Holivud.
3. Intenzed cooperation between the departments of the Member States of the Association
4. Leading study Violence against doctors by patients.
5. Leading projects Southeast European level
6. Cooperetion between associations of member countries of the Association
7. Cooperation Wonca Europe I Wnoca World and other organizations and institutes.
8. Cooperated institutions (MoH, HIF, Dean, LC, LD, etc.).
9. Implementation members of associations of member countries of the Association in all structures of the European Вонка organizations and structures and committees system y
T.6-In terms of the activities of the association for 2013 y.not received a complete report by the Presidents of the associations.Regarding this issue the President of the Association make a plan for activities (information for those who had them). Same plan will be amended as new information will be provide. This plan is attached to this report and placed on the web page.The Presidents of Slovenia, FBiH, Republika Srpska, Romania. Montenegro and Turkeyshould get a plan for their activities and websites of their associations.
Т.7 – From President and Dr. Darko Iliev, was presented the updated website of the association.The same page will be supplemented and corrected daily receiveing all proposals and suggestions from the Member States of the association. .All associations should use links and be connected with the Association.
Item 8 – Regarding the dues, the President reminded the members that will have to start paying at 15.01.2013y.for the previous year, according that decision ,was made at the annual meeting 2010. In the same time, highlight the presedent those who do not have paid in 2012, according to records Bookkeeper will receive an invoice for payment of the membership fee for that year.
T.9 – Dr. Biserka noted that in March, at meeting of the departments of Split Initiative 2011,in Ljubljana meeting, the President and Dr. Katharina Stavrikj was invited as tutors. Have to talk with Dr. Milica Katic and Dr. Igor Schwab and to propose to join the Association and Association SEE cooperated departments each -said Dr. Biserka.
Although each country have to put on paper all the activities of his department, and to be placed on the website of the Association.
Also, to make a table-structured document of all country members of the Association in terms of specialization in SM (runtime specialization curricula).
filled table from each country be returned to the President. So we will have a section for all countries and we can help to themselves on some issues and to develop cooperation in certain fields.
T.10 – leads study “Violence against doctors by patients” and it can be presented to Congress in Saraevo. Coordinator will be Dr. Ksenija Tushek Bulc from Slovenia that will send a working methodology to all countries wich will lead the study.
T.11 – In connection with the proposed project Dr Snezana propose to take violence against doktors. Dr.Azijada mentioned as proposed Mobbing health. have some experience, but a problem different PHC organization each country.From they it is there fore difficult to make standardized question.Dr.Katarina noted that proposals should come members EGPRN proposing small projects and that they are focused to it. But can be implemented at the level of the member states of the Association.
T.12 – President gave some thoughts on:
1. The celebration about ten years of egsisting of Association, awards and honors, choosing a doctor SEE year with proposals from each country and others.
2. Writing Monograph for ten years existence Asociation , which presidents should sent their CV, an image and a short article about the association
3. Making membership cards.
4. Choice coordinators and OO
1. Till 15.02.2013 to submit views on the conclusions of the Conference in Belgrade from each country to the President who will then be unified
2. The conclusions put Memorandum of Association and any country to send them to the MoH, HIF, MF, LC, LD and departments by SM
3. Each country to offer a solution for the popularization of the FM and specialization in FM
4. Every country with links to link to the website of the Association
5. From the specializations Roundtable presentations from all countries to make conclusions and position of the Association, each Member State to send to MH FZOMF Department of FM
6. To lift dignity SMDa acts of our politicians all specializations started service from FM
7. The presentation conference in Belgrade to be more thematic units (financing, organization, education and quality of education) and processed after each topic from all countries to develop discussion and bring conclusions. Every country 60 minutes to get.
8. Employing students, to determine the time and start in earlier years with curricula by FM
9. To continue the study: “Violence against doctors by patients” Coordinator Dr. Ksenija Tushek Bunc of Slovenia shall provide a methodology for the work and to determine the time for the start of the study.
10. The moto Congress in Sarajevo to be: “Who are we and what is our future.”
11. Every member Association through a link to connect to the Association.
12. To determine the time, date, term, fee, cost hotel accommodation, topics and dedlajn Congress in Sarajevo Conference in Belgrade
13. To leads study bullying in healthcare – Dr. Suzana Stankovic.
14. To make questionnaire “Which chronic diseases have GPs SM” and processed data to presentation of the Congress in Sarajevo – Dr. Kathy Stavrikj.
15. To declared the best oral and poster presentations as well as the best young doctor.
16. To consider the amount of the fee following congresses and conferences of the Association for young doctors and medical students.
Prim.d Dr. Ljubin Shukriev